An Event With National Influence

Launch of the Brain Sports National Open 

which will take place on October 22 and 23, at the hall of the town hall of Bondy.

                                   For more information,

An exclusive event in collaboration with many partners, to promote this wonderful organ that is our brain through reading and effective learning techniques.  

A desire of our organizers to be part of the “Great national cause 2021-2022” that of reading. A cause that they intend to perpetuate on their own scale, to make young and old aware of the importance of books and more generally of learning.

  • Intention:  meeting, sharing, transmission, discovery, learning.
  • Values: learning, solidarity, sharing, equality.
  • Objective:  Develop your brain skills, your self-confidence, to release your potential and transform your daily life.

With a day dedicated to challenges in reading and mental mapping to create the opportunity to surpass oneself, to discover or to anchor the pleasure of reading and learning. We reserve gifts and surprises for the winners of each category, 9 podiums or 27 big winners.

And a day punctuated by a series of conferences designed to promote the sharing of knowledge and ideas and thus allow you to learn, progress and achieve your goals.

This event is intended to be intergenerational and open to all, to allow young and old to come together around common values.

Join us quickly and come live an extraordinary experience>