Overall Winner:

Champion:Soh Wee Teng、1st Runner-up:Leong Thin Seng、2nd Runner- up:Low Chee Fai

The 2nd Malaysia Memory Championship held in 11th & 12th November 2017 in Ipoh, Perak. Ms Soh Wee Teng beating all the men to be the No 1 in Malaysia Memory Sports Ranking-List. She is the FIRST female absolute achieved Malaysia Number 1.

The participants age ranged from 7 to 49-year-old and 36 mental contestants from various states of Malaysia to participating in this competition. Among the ten disciplines, nine disciplines were broken by four memory contestants, excepts, the 15-minute abstract images. Records breaking were Ms Soh Wee Teng, in adult group champion, who broke six records, and the other three records were broken by Junior group champion, Mr Wong Siew Chung. Although, overall 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up, Leong Thin Seng and Low Chee Fai were also broken four national records, but it is regrettable that the results were not able to surpass the former two.

Malaysian Memory Sports Organization Chairman Mr Teo Kim Foo said that the nine national records of the disciplines were broken, showing that the participants have put much effort on their training and the results were the best in the history.

Overall Winner: Champion: Soh Wee Teng           1st Runner-up: Leong Thin Seng           2nd Runner- up: Low Chee Fai

Adult Winner:        Champion: Soh Wee Teng           1st Runner-up: Leong Thin Seng            2nd Runner- up: Low Chee Fai

Junior Winner:      Champion: Wong Siew Chung     1st Runner-up: Yip Zhong Jie                  2nd Runner- up: Low Wei Di

Kid Winner:           Champion: Lim Xiu San                 1st Runner-up: Cheong Chuo Xuan        2nd Runner- up: Loh Kian Yew


Disciplines                                                      Name                      New Record             Former Record

5 minutes names and faces                  Soh Wee Teng                    45                           37

5 minutes binary number                     Soh Wee Teng                     759                        498

15 minutes random number                Soh Wee Teng                     696                        481

5 minutes random words                      Wong Siew Chung               66                          63

5 minutes historic date                         Soh Wee Teng                      52                          51

5 minutes speed numbers                    Soh Wee Teng                      292                        286

10 minutes random cards                     Wong Siew Chung               232                        170

Spoken number                                       Wong Siew Chung              148                         102

Speed cards                                                Soh Wee Teng                    30.65 sec                38.07 sec