
The Hong Kong Open Memory Championship was successfully held on 13 and 14 August. We had more than 120 competitors coming from seven countries participated in the championship. Three kids’ world record have been broken, which are Abstract Images, 10 min cards, and 15 min numbers. Two of the three records (10 min cards and 15 min numbers) are broken by the youngest IMM from last year, Yan Jiashou, and the abstract images is broken by Ouyang Yujie.

Message of Congratulations from the President

On the eve of the celebration tenth UK Memory Open Championship, may I offer you both, Andy and Angel, my most profound congratulations on the magnificent success you have achieved with the recent Hong Kong Memory Championships, sanctioned by and held under the official auspices of The World Memory Sports Council.

More than 120 competitors, seven countries , and three world records broken. Above all you have by your indefatigable efforts encouraged success by aspiring young Memory Record Breakers, such as Yan Jiashou!

Please rest assured that the official world memory championships website will devote considerable coverage to your enterprise, and that it will also be covered in Synapsia Magazine, the official publication of The Brain Trust Registered Charity. And of course on the official World Memory Championships Facebook page.

In your fostering and encouraging of the Mind Sport of Memory and the aspirations and hopes of the young , you are a beacon to the planet and planetary intelligence.

With my very best wishes and multiple repeated congratulations. I look forward to the complete photographic record and of course every single piece of publicity which you have generated!  The world needs people of vision and energy such as yourselves.

Ray Keene OBE
WMC Global President